Today, Thursday، 16 May 2024 - 13:06

Acronym Finder

What is DIVX ?
Digital Video Express
DivX the name of The to compress and playback video files based on the Section 2 standard, MPEG-4. DivXNetworks, as concocted and distributor of this technology, it is often, as with Terry for the video ... that due to the very low volume. very good quality to provide.

competitor, the codecs, ... codecs, the origin of the open-Oaks Wade is that in all the experiments, track and field, that from the year 2003 to come with a better performance compared to DivX is shown, but commercial success it did not....
What is OGG ?
Operation Good Guys
OGG or OG A a container format file, a free and open source, which means the foundation Xiph.Org maintenance and development are given. The creators of the format OG Jay stated that this extension without the limitations of software patents is, and to provide the transfer (streaming) and effective manipulation of multi-media digital ([digital multimedia]) high quality design.

the template or within the content og a can be a number of streams independently for sound, images, text (such as subtitles), and metadata to combine together.

in the framework of multimedia OG). Theora, a video layer provides . Layers of sound, mainly by the form music axis, can be prepared, but other options include codec, speech compression, human or speaks, etc. codec compression, lossy sound, or Ferris and OG TV, Zune!.

before the 2007 extensions .ogg for all the files that are in the content they casted contain be used. After the 2007 Foundation Xiph.Org recommended that the extension .ogg only for audio files OG JAY be used. Foundation Xiph.Org decided a new set of file extensions and the type of media ( media types ) to describe the different types of content such as .oga just for audio files, etc..ogv for video with or without sound ( including Theora ), and .ogx for the OG, a compound create.

from 7 December 2007]. the current version of the reference implementation of the Xiph.org big liberal Democra OG Jay (libogg) version 1.2.2 . The other version of the. Liberal Democra OG Jay 2, etc. is expanding, but from 2008 waiting for the write retries. Both libraries software, free software, are under the authorization letter, SMS, new is published. Reference executive OG Jay on September 2, 2000 from was isolated.

from where this template is free, and its reference implementation is under the authority of the limits to copyright. codec various OG A a number of media players different free and proprietary, commercial and non-commercial, plus, player, media, portable, and receiver, GPS of different plant is used....
What is SQA ?
Software Quality Assurance
Software quality assurance consists of monitoring the process of software engineering and the ways to ensure the quality of it used. The methods that this in order to make have been immense and diverse, that each of compliance with several standards (such as ISO 9000 and a model like CMMI) to check and guarantee.

methods of software quality assurance the entire process of software development . Including the stages of development software can be used to define requirements, design software, coding, etc. reviewing code, configuration management software, test management, management ... integration, product noted. Software quality assurance the goals, requirements, etc. abilities, activities, measurements and evaluation, dildo, forgives.

software quality assurance according to the ISO/IEC 15504 v. 2.5 (SPICE is a process that is supportive should be a layout preset, and isO 15504 quality in every single products, activities and processes independently guarantee.

After the topics raised on how to create the software and the relevant discussions in ... one of the challenges, review the concept of essential elements of software quality and the subsequent criteria for assessment and quality assurance procedures, it is. Speaking of quality software, and review and evaluation it is only through answering the following questions and specify a method to reach this answer is possible:

1. Define explicit and exact meaning and concept of \"quality software\"
2. Create a set of activities that our high quality software products provided sure.
3. Run-off activities, control and guarantee quality in all software projects
4. Use the tools in order to develop strategies, improve processes, software, and so the quality of the final product...
What is CPI ?
Cost Per Impression
CPI stands for Cost Per Impression. Namely, the advertiser for every time the ad on the page, the publisher can be seen, the cost of the payment. Most methods in this field of Model, CPM is per 3000 time payment takes place. CPM is usually used for graphical ads there are more ads static, i.e., usually the size of the file depends on....
What is CPI ?
Cost Per Interaction
In this model, the advertisers for the role of advertisers pay that normally, in the video upload or Application, that have been put (like Application sharing, Facebook) and based on interactions with that advertiser. Interaction in this kind of a move, rollover or shake the mouse started from the user side is that the results of its development and expansion, advertising, sustainable and continuous.

After development, the ad may contain a video, game........ This issue without the remote user from the page itself happens, and the marketer only when the cost of payments that a person looks complete....
What is CPA ?
Cost Per Action
CPA stands for cost on acquisition. Namely, only when the money is paid advertiser of this method earn something. Mean business on the site and contributing to various different. The acquisition may fill out a form by the users. to download a movie or buy a product. CPA is the best way of payment for the ad is because the amount only when a fee payment that does not reach their goal. For this reason, this type of the worst, for the publisher is because the only time that successful advertising is the cost. The publisher should have to rate of exchanges website, the amount of the attention. something that most publishers can't . This type is usually by the advertisers banner is not used, but rather more with Affiliate Marketing, the best....
What is CPM ?
Cost Per Mille
CPM stands for Cost Per Mille which means the advertiser for every time the ad on the page, the publisher can be seen, the cost of the payment. Most methods in this field of Model, CPM is per 3000 time payment takes place. CPM is usually used for graphical ads there are more ads static, i.e., usually the size of the file depends on....
What is SDN ?
Software-Defined Networking
Network axis software or network software defined or SD (SDN), an approach in Computer Networks is that network administrators will be able to manage network services through abstraction of higher level. This is through the isolation system to decide on how to direct traffic (page control) of the system underlying that the task of guiding the packets to the destination of choice (page Control) done.

the beginning of the network, software-defined a bit after the release of Java by Sun Microsystems in 1995.

network axis software a architectural, dynamic, management. affordable and adaptable, be sure to follow the suitability for applications with high bandwidth and dynamic today. Protocol open Flo element of the main network architecture software defined. The architecture of such a network is as follows:
- customizable direct
- agile
- centralized management
- configure via programming
- is based on standards open-source and independent of the manufacturer...