Today, Saturday، 27 Apr 2024 - 07:41

Acronym Finder

What is TBT ?
Eco-friendly (organic compounds of tin with the name of Tri-butyl tin (TBT)) a chemical substance or microorganism which can have any harmful organism by use of a method, chemical or biological means. neutral or under the influence of the controller. Eco-friendly cache, usually in medicine, agriculture, forestry and industry application....
What is DDS ?
Data Distribution Service
Service distribution data...
What is QAM ?
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
A system of Telecommunication for the public data can be used and after doing some processing, and convert the frequency data and sends the same action for Inverse in the receiver....
What is MGS ?
Mars Global Surveyor
Surveyor around Mars (MGS) from 1997 up to now, over the Mars and so far more than 20 thousand times round the planet rotated. Make sure all this turnover time is more than 120 thousand image from different regions of Mars. Cameras strong the surveyor pictures over very detailed, from the surface of Mars, which have that resolution, some of them the size of the East that can be a complication to the size of a minibus! On it diagnosed. MGS won the first Atlantic across Mars to prepare.

although the orbiter from all the planet the photo is taken, but photos attention that resolution high have and read more, it turns out. This type of pictures of pretty places of Mars taken, but not from all of the places that is necessary.

to make optimal use of it, ready and keen on Mars, managers plan to think about the acceptance of the order and offer photos of the people fell. Namely, Can anyone to tell them that to a certain reason, and because a certain probability of a certain region, and MGS photos. All the alternatives to shooting, and the attributes are checked and if accepted., at any time, that the orbiter from the top of the location of the desired pass. a photo that has been ordered, etc. can be taken....
What is HMAC ?
Hash-based Message Authentication Code
In cryptography, etc. code authenticity validation message based on Moroccan storage (HMAC), the structure of the certain to calculate the code message authentication (MAC) that includes a function Moroccan maker encryption in combination with a password key. HMAC is like any MAC, you can integrity of data and authenticity of a message simultaneously examine. Each function Moroccan maker encryption, such as MD5 or SHA-1, etc. can be used to calculate the HMAC. This way, the algorithm of the MAC result. HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA1 is called. Power HMAC encryption to the strength of the encryption function, the UAE construction rates. the size of the bit length of the output of the UAE, it and the size and quality of the encryption key depends on.
a function, the UAE builder, duplicate, etc. messages, into blocks of a given size does the split function and compression on them, repeat. For example, MD5 and SHA-1, etc. on blocks of 512-bit act. The size of the output of HMAC with the size function, the UAE construction rates in it is the same. (In the case of MD5 SHA-1, the 128 or 160 bit). However, this size can be, if necessary, short....
What is CVD ?
Chemical Vapor Deposition
Accumulation to, evaporation or chemical deposition, chemical phase vapor (CVD) is one of the chemical procedures that produce layers of very pure in technology, half the media was Goes to work.

frequently, the accumulation of the layer of similar substance (such as Silicon on )done. This accumulation is possible through several types of chemical reaction done: where the average high for the material used. Photocatalysis, in which light, ultraviolet, or near infrared for the composition of the gas used....
What is OFDM ?
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OFDM (the modulation frequency dividers perpendicular), in fact, a modulation band of the base. OFDM, the modulation, as the name suggests, Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing operations, the Maltese with the use of frequency dividers, of course, for Orthogonal runs.

the concept of Orthogonal in frequency dividers to the orthogonality(orthogonal) signals, which refers to a definition of math can be in which whenever two function sine in the beat. the Integral of this product on any period in time equal to zero would be. In terms of this sort of modulation in the military industry used to which Multi-tone", i.e., a range the frequency to the multiple frequency carriers, or to be more scientific (Sub Carrier) split; and on each of these sub-carrier are part of information sent.

the advantage of this technique is the one sending the data in parallel was no longer overcome the fading, shrinkage, the frequency of R (Frequency Selective Fading), because this is any part of the data on the interval a small fraction of the frequency band shipped that this type of fading, shrinkage, on this interval, small, practically linear, appear and repairable, and ultimately extract the signal....
What is SSP ?
Solid State Physics
SSP solid state one of the most extensive branches of physics. This branch about how to form the material, taking into account all details governing the arrangement of atoms is discussed. The physical properties of any physical object (metal or non-metal), etc. discussed in this branch....