Today, Monday، 29 Apr 2024 - 03:53

Acronym Finder

What is NPW ?
Net Present Worth
The meaning of these words, the net value of the current is and of the key concepts in economics.

frequently, to compare economic projects with each other and also determine the economic feasibility of a project, the first step calculate the value of the net current (NPW)....
What is FRC ?
Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Concrete, fibrous sort of concrete is that its manufacture of the fibers used are cement, water, aggregates and additives, along with mixed fibers. fibers causes increase the connectedness, tensile strength, reduced Cracking of concrete and increase the softness, the concrete is. Free fibers and their size, the type of consumption of concrete and the tensile strength desired depends. The fibers can be glass fibers or metal fibers, or fibers of polymer is and the size of them is usually 3 to 20 mm ....
What is ACI ?
American Concrete Institute
The Institute of concrete American that briefly, the CIA is said to be one of the most prestigious institutions of the scientific and technical world. This institution in the year 1904 in America, was established, and now the one hundred and fifth year of his life has spent. Indeed, the aforementioned Institute with the purpose of teaching and learning, knowledge engineering, scientific research, research and development, design standards, and implementation structures, concrete and ... reinforced concrete and ... materials and materials relevant at the level of World activity. That with time, effort, and scientific, educational, abundant, and effective, the attention of communities, of civil engineering in different countries of the world is located. Now the International Institute of American Concrete (ACI), and over 108 branches across the world and in order to promote science, every month, to publish periodicals, newsletters and journals, Scientific Research, diverse. Also, every year in America, attempted to hold two annual conference (spring, etc. autumnal), the tournament, students, scientific conferences and international roundtables, the regional level of the world....
What is TTC ?
Teaching Training Course
Education course teaching. Courses for teachers to improve the level of training...
What is RFID ?
Radio-frequency identification
System recognition with radio waves, the system identify the Wireless is able to exchange data as a means to communicate information between a Tag, which to a commodity, object, etc. cards, and... is connected, and a proofreader (Reader). System, the RFID of the electronic signals, and electromagnetic for reading and writing data without contact enjoying....
What is LOG ?
a number in a base, etc. equal to the exponent of the base that the number gives. For the sample, the logarithm of 1000 in base 10 is equal to 3.
What is NYHA ?
New York Heart Association Functional Classification
Neha, who in the name of the class functional is also known, is a simple system to diagnose disease in the field of heart failure. The system of the patient, according to the statements of his during a medical interview and or visible signs in terms of the number of breathing, the restrictions in doing physical activity and the patient's complaint of pain, like the pain of angina, the in the four different groups of the classification, Neha puts. For example, a condition in which a class is placed has a specific sign, but a heart problem....
What is IN ?
Inch unit of measure of length equal to 1/12 foot, and about 2 of 54 cm and a 1/36 yds.

inches (Ŝast) literally means the one-twelfth....