Today, Sunday، 28 Apr 2024 - 01:50

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: TCE

The Canadian Encyclopedia

Tri-County Electric (various locations)

Trichloroethylene (CAS Number 79-01-6)

Tax Counseling for the Elderly



Traité Constitutionnel Européen (French: European Constitutional Treaty)

Time Charter Equivalent (oil tankers' pricing units)

Tangible Common Equity (Financial Ratio)

The California Endowment (Los Angeles, CA; est. 1996)

Texas Cooperative Extension

Total Customer Experience

Transaction Cost Economics

Testing Center of Excellence (software development)

True Combat Elite (gaming)

Thomson Consumer Electronics

Thermal Coefficient of Expansion

The Chemical Engineer (journal of the Institute of Chemical Engineers)

Temperature Control Element (medical equipment)

Tous Corps d'Etat

The Chemistry Experiment (band; UK)

Technical Continuing Education

Temporary Construction Easement

The Common Enterprise (San Antonio, TX)

Tokyo College of Environment (Tokyo, Japan)

Temperature Coefficient of Expansion

Threshold-Crossing Event (US NASA)

Traditional Cultural Expression

Tonne of Coal Equivalent

Techno-Classica Essen (German car show)

Treasury Communications Enterprise

The Creative Exchange

Thermal Canister Experiment (US NASA)


Thermal Control Electronics

Training Center Evaluator

Technical Computing Environment

Telecommand Encoder

Trinity Church Eindhoven (Netherlands)

Tray Carton Equivalent (18kg box of fresh fruit)

Transcoder Equipment

Terre Ciel Energies (French: Earth Sky Energy; France)

Terminal Control Equipment

Traditional Church of England

Thermal Conditioning Electronics

Total Cutaneous Examination

Translation Candidate Evaluation (part of Generate-And-Repair Machine Translation)

Transportation Command Element

Twin City Elementary School (various locations)

Tactical Command and Control Element

Test Cost Estimate

Treasury Communications Environment

Toxic Carpet Emissions