Today, Tuesday، 30 Apr 2024 - 10:14

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CN

Cartoon Network

Canadian National Railway

Common Name

Connect (ITU-T)


Core Network


Cyber Nations (web forum)


Change Notice

Communications Network

Peoples' Republic of China (Top Level Domain abbreviation)


Copper Nickel (product feature)

Cognitive Neuroscience

Case Number

Chuck Norris

Canonical Name (computer domain name resolution)

Certified Nurse

Complete Nutrition

Combined Nomenclature

Cranial Nerve

Company Number

Comfortably Numb

Channel Number

Comfort Noise (telephony)

Command Network

Coordination Number (mathematics)

Cellular Network

Carbon Nanotube

China Netcom (est. 1999)

Corporate Network


Conselho Nacional (Portuguese: National Council; East Timor party)

Convergence Numérique (French: Digital Convergence)

Cuneo, Piemonte (Italian province)

Cinéma Numérique (French: Digital Cinema)

Convergencia Nacional (Venezuelan Party)

Condensation Nucleus

California Northern (railroad)

Causal Nexus (gaming clan)

Customer Network

Credit Note

Community Networking

Contract Negotiation(s)

Caudate Nucleus (neuroanatomy)

Color Negative (film)

Cellulose Nitrate

Control Node

Correspondent Node

Chaotic Neutral (gaming)

Counternarcotic (US DoD)

Clinical Nutritionist

Central Node

Client Node

Cluster Number

Ciment Naturel (French: Natural Cement)

Congenital Nystagmus

Construction Number

Congressional Notification

Chief of Navy (Australia, New Zealand)

Compass North

Calculation Note

Cavan, Ireland

Construction Notice

Constructionman (US Navy rating)

Cinema Nation

Consignes de Navigabilite (French aviation authority)

Clueless Newbie

Cherokee Nations


Cure Notice

Carrienews.com (Carrie Underwood fan site)

Ciudad de Nápoles (Guatemala hospital)

CreatioNation (convergent media company promoting the arts and altruism)

Coloracion Normal (Spanish: Normally Colored)

Cooperativa Jesús Nazareno Ltda. (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

Cras Noc'te (Tomorrow Night)

Casnicki Namjesnik (Croatian: Warrant Officer)

Carpal Narrowing