Today, Thursday، 25 Apr 2024 - 17:03

Acronym Finder

What is GRE ?
Graduate Records Examination
Test, the GRE or the GRE stands for Graduate Records Examination. As from the name of the test specified. it aims to assess the abilities and skills of graduates. These tests usually for entry to higher education degree required. University, American, and Canadian, usually having a high score in this test is one of the conditions of the study are because they believe that the students, besides learning academic subjects, and specialized should be in the field of political power, conclusion and understand the texts, difficult to earn....
What is TNT ?
Trini Nitro toluene
Tri-Nitro toluene or TNT (TNT), or a compound hydrocarbon aromatic crystalline yellow color, which is 354 degrees Kelvin melts. TNT explosive is that the speed of the explosion it is 7028 km in seconds and is in many compounds, the explosive used. TNT by toluene C6H5CH3 can be prepared and its chemical formula (CH3(NO2)C6H2) and the name of The it 2,4,6 Tri nitro methyl benzene....
What is CRM ?
Customer Relationship Management
Customer relationship management to all processes, and technology that it can be said that the companies and organizations to identify, encourage, development, maintenance of and providing service to clients, goes to work.

organizations using CRM can make the sales cycle, the shorter and customer loyalty to build closer relations and income increase. Management system customer relationships can help existing customers maintained and new customers are attracted. Organizations some ways to include Customer Relationship Management, Analysis, Customer Value, strategies, and organizational mechanisms for the services, Performance, Communications, Customer improved offers used brand. Customer Relationship Management is a strategy to earn new customers and keep them. Customer relationship management operational includes all activities related to customers, intermediaries, such as companies.

any activity, relationship management with the customer operating in one of three organizational process, implementation has been: Sales, Marketing and services. While these process are directly related to the customer. Customer relationship management-analytical(Analytical CRM) all components for which analysis of the relationships and attributes of the client that based on the implementation of activities, management of relations with the customer operational with an emphasis on the need of the customers and there is supply. Before the organization can or marketing strategy, managing customer relationships develop, they must know how customers to buy, decide. This decision-making process the buying cycle the customer (CBC) is called.

CRM from the three main sections is composed of: customer, relationship and management. The order of relationships, etc. make the customers quite advantageous, through communication, learners can be and management is the creativity and the guidance of a business process customer-centric and put the customer at the center of processes and experiences of the organization....
What is BTSP ?
Bottleneck Traveling Salesman Problem
Issue your hard work the salesman (bottleneck TSP) problem is very functional, which is a graph of the weight, low weight, the most far- will be that includes most heavy Mane....
What is TSP ?
Travelling Salesman Problem
Issue the salesman issue is the first in the 18 issues related to it by William Hamilton and Thomas was raised, and then in the 1930s, the general form of it by like Carl Mangere from Harvard University and Whitney from Princeton University studied....
What is CNG ?
Compressed Natural Gas
Natural gas is dense. Fuel suitable alternative of gasoline and diesel that is compatible with the environment as well....
What is WP ?
White Phosphorus
Pseudo-metal that readily with oxygen, the composition can be applied, like wax, has and color it yellow and in the heat of the typical slow burns, this substance, the white smoke thick production and cause a fire, fearsome. Of white phosphorus in the making of Cannon and a grenade that used to be the name of the bombs, phosphorous, are known....
What is CBU ?
Cluster Bomb Unit
Cluster bomb, a bomb that is the plane shipped and includes the bomb, small (Bomb sub) is that over a vast area....