Today, Thursday، 25 Apr 2024 - 17:20

Acronym Finder

What is POS ?
Polcystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovarian syndrome or syndrome ovarian (POS), the most common disorders of the Endocrine () in women and the most common cause of sterility caused by lack of ovulation.

the naming of this syndrome, because the presence of the ovaries, including a large number of cysts (in most women with and not at all) is that in the outer layer of each ovary is located.

women suffering from this disease symptoms common such disorders has (especially blood, ()), the symptoms like (hirsutism) and acne, alopecia, and Sterility.Patients exposed to serious side effects such as increased risk of endometrial cancer and, diss interestingly all the ... etc. heart disease and diabetes. The prevalence of obesity and diss interestingly all in patients with PCOS more from healthy women. 40% of women patients. suffer from obesity, and 75 before barren.

This condition almost 6 to 10 percent of all women who are of childbearing age, can be seen. The cause of the illness mentioned is not clear, but researchers believe that hereditary factors and diabetes on the rise it plays....
What is CMT ?
Charcot Marie Tooth
Marie (briefly CMT is a congenital disease, neurological, congenital, and genetic-environmental extremely heterogeneous, which is in every two and a half thousand people suffered from it. Marie the most common diseases in the neuropathy, nervous system environment.

of cell, type of disease Marie there.
- Type A or type demineralization. in this type, in effect, disease, Axon, neuron, motor to browse the myelin, your lose.
- type two or type ; can this kind of in effect, the disease, the axons of the motor neurons to the review of the process.
What is AChR ?
Acetyl Choline Receptor
Acetylcholine receptor (abbreviated AChR) protein Inner is relative to the connection nervous acetylcholine reacts.

like other receptors ., the acetylcholine receptors, depending on their medicinal properties, or based on sensitivity and affinity for their other molecules are classified. Although all acetylcholine receptors, according to the definition of the acetylcholine react, the receiver can be to other molecules also respond.
- acetylcholine receptors (nAChR, etc. Also known as ...) in particular to nicotine, to react.
- acetylcholine receptors (mAChR, etc. Also known as ...) to be specified to react.

for acetylcholine receptors M1, M3, and rarely the receiver, there .
What is UDCA ?
Uro Deoxy Cholic Acid
colic acid or solver gallstones. through the harness, the synthesis and secretion of cholesterol from the liver and also by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol from the lining of the digestive tract apply. This compound in small quantities in the bile found....
What is THC ?
Tetra Hydro Cannabinol
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) with that name, or a friend. 9-or a friend thirty 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as. one of the species , and material movers, nervous, original, found in the seeds.

this matter of the central nervous system of the body will affect the data and cause complications such as frailty, increased sensitivity of the senses and perception of the environment. The effects of physiological or friend CD contains increase the speed of the beats, etc. dry mouth, increased appetite, and lower blood pressure....
What is DTI ?
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Tensor plays or the abbreviation DTI, a form, in the MRI.

In this method, the anatomy of the field, the white matter of brain can be obtained by magnetic field different from the imaging method plays a weighted mapping.

from this method when we use that the Tensor plays, tissue, case, anisotropic....
What is HSM ?
Hepato Spleno Megaly
A large spleen and liver, sometimes to separate a large spleen (), the large liver (), sometimes simultaneously () can be seen.

the causes of the incidence of such symptoms is very different and can be neoplastic (leukemia and. lymphoma), the infectious (malaria, hepatitis viral), the metabolic (syndrome courier) or blood (thalassemia, anemia sickle)....
What is HPD ?
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Disease, HPD, a disease has a psychological that a person suffering from it seek to attract the attention of others and glaring....