What is CFU ?
Farhangian University Centers
university teachers in 1390, with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and integrate all centers teacher training across Iran, was established in the year 1391 began. The university, though , but relies on the background of the centuries-old centers of teacher training in Iran. The University, according to the document, the fundamental transformation of Education has documented the solutions to the following:
solution 1/ 11 - the establishment of the national system of teacher training and setting up special university teachers with the approach of specialized training and professional education driven by the Ministry of education in cooperation with the devices relevant
solution 2/ 11 - design and improve the training system, Professional Teachers in education, with an emphasis on maintaining a continuous interaction of student teachers with schools and academic institutions, and research during this period, and provide the business experiences of the actual classroom and educational environments.
playbook 10/ 11 - draw the participation of top universities, and seminaries in the training of specialized-professional and religious teachers, experts, and managers, in collaboration with the University of the State
University of cooperation, has legal personality and administrative autonomy and financial and affiliated to the Ministry of education and is for The operated. With the establishment of the "university" complex, higher education, the Prophet (PBUH) and the Centers for Teacher Education under the guise of it in the university organization has been. The university teacher training from the year 1391 by attracting 25 thousand students committed to serving began.