Today, Wednesday، 9 Oct 2024 - 11:26

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Search result from: CIT

Counselor in Training

Crisis Intervention Team

Cork Institute of Technology




Court of International Trade

Canberra Institute of Technology (Australia)

Corporate Income Tax

Conference on Information Technology

Computing and Information Technology

Computer Information Technology

Center for Information Technology (US National Institutes of Health)

Center for Instructional Technology

Cash In Transit (vehicle, i.e., armored car)

College of Industrial Technology (Philippines)

California Institute of Technology

Crisis Intervention Training

Cebu Institute of Technology

Compagnia Italiana Turismo (Italian travel agency)

College of Information Technology

Conference and Incentive Travel (magazine)

Construction Industry Training (various organizations)

Computing and Informatics Technology (Uganda)

Certified IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries) Trainer

Commissioner of Income Tax (India)

Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting

Journal of Computing and Information Technology

Center for Innovative Technology (Virginia, USA)

Communications and Information Technology (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Connecticut)

Counter-Illicit Trafficking

Center for Integrative Toxicology (Michigan State University)

Certified in Information Technology

Cornell Information Technologies (Cornell University; Ithaca, NY)

Critical Incident Technique

Certified Instructor Training (various organizations)

Carnegie Institute of Technology

Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (Herndon, VA)

Conference of Interpreter Trainers

Coimbatore Institute of Technology (Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India)

Countries in Transition

Constraint-Induced Therapy

Corporate Information Technology

Computer Integrated Telephony (DEC)

Centre International de Toxicologie (French: International Center for Toxicology)

Chartered Institute of Transport

Construction Industry Technician

Central Institute of Technology

Change in Trend (trading)

Combined Interrogator Transponder

Continuous Improvement Team

Case Institute of Technology (CWRU, Cleveland, OH)

Construction Industry Tax (UK)

Colorado Institute of Technology

Cranfield Institute of Technology (M&S support partner with DTRA)

Core Implementation Team (various organizations)

Career Institute of Technology (Easton, Pennsylvania)

Critical Incident Team

Cold Ischemic Time (organ transplantation)

Commercial Investment Trust (Livingston, NJ, USA)

Continuous Integrated Testing

Construction Information Technology

Community Integration Team (various locations)

Customer Interface Test

Certified Industrial Technologist

Conventional Insulin Therapy

Centre for Indigenous Theatre (Toronto, ON, Canada)

Compressor Inlet Temperature

Capital Investment Team

Craft Interface Terminal

Craft Interface Terminal (AT&T)

China Interventional Therapeutics

Circumstellar Imaging Telescope

Call In Time

Consumable Item Transfer

Cauchy Integral Theorem (math, engineering)

Centre d'Ingénierie Thermique (French: Thermal Engineering Center)

Counterintelligence Team (USMC)

Compagnie Industrielle Des Telecommunications

Coherent Integration Time

Cougar In Training

Cluster Integration Toolkit (Linux cluster management software)

Confederacion Indigena Tairona (Spanish: Tairona Indigenous Confederation; Colombia)

College of Integrated Therapies

Chassieu Immobilier Transactions (French: Chassieu Estate Transactions; Chassieu, France)

Chef In Training

Critical Incidents Test (UK)

Criminal Investigator Training

Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia

Component Integration Test(ing)

Chair Indicate Token

Communications Improvement Team

Critical Item Tag

Critical Item Test

Contract Invoice Transmittal (Sprint)

Coalition Interoperability Trial

Commission on Informational Technology (Missouri)

Communication Interculturelle et Traduction (French: Intercultural Communication and Translation)

Cable Interface Translator

Care Integration Team

Central Investigation Team

Component Instance Tree (Nortel)

China International Therapeutics (Beijing, China)

Counter Intelligence/Terrorism

Consultant in Information Technology

Configuration Identification Tables

Cylinder Ignition Timing

Comet Impact Theory (evolution)

Canterbury Institute of Technology (Australia)

Cab Interior Temperature

Chamber of Information Technology and Communications (Egypt)

Class, Item, Type

Craft Interface Testing

Cellule d'Ingénierie et de Transfert (French: Cell Engineering and Transfer)

Cement Injection Tool

Chemical Injection Tree (subsea oil and gas valve)

Chemical Injection Tubing (petroleum drilling)

Commercial Imagery Team (US Army)