Today, Thursday، 25 Apr 2024 - 20:15

Acronym Finder

What is IP ?
Internet Protocol Address
Address Internet Protocol, or refer to the address IP (IP Address) address is a numerical that to each of the devices and computers connected to the network computer, that, based on the profile TCP/IP (including internet) works, etc. are assigned. The messages that the other computer for this computer, sending with the sign of the numerical cell is, and the way the Finder network it is like the "address of receiver" in the e-mailing Tabor. finally message to the network interface computer the desired....
What is WWW ?
World Wide Web
The world of the web, the World Wide Web, the warp of the World Wide Web, the OR to be simple the web (WWW) the most major environment services the internet is that the possibilities of multimedia to achieve the data, the information, file and knowledge at the disposal of users. Web in 1989 by English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented.

web is a universal space of information that people can by internet, then read or write....
What is FIFO ?
First In, First Out
Departure to arrange check-in is one method of organizing the control data with respect to time and prioritization. This ... principle, technique, processing queue, or on bringing the demand supplied by the playbook "is the first input, the first recipient of the service" (FCFS) describes the track: each bead that earlier arrived ... more early review crafted and each bead after it enters the wait makes up the actions taken on the nut first of all.

so, this issue resembles the behavior of queuing humans. where people queue to arrange their leave. behind the traffic lights waiting for their turn. FCFS is also another name for the algorithm, scheduler, operating system, FIFO. The way to any process, when time of the processor in accordance with the arrangement of the entry allocated. In a broader sense, etc.) LIFO, or "last input, first output" contrasting FIFO. By taking the word FILO means "first input, last output," the difference between these two terms becomes more apparent. In fact, both a special case of a list of videos, are. The difference in the data is not there. But the rules for acquiring the content....
What is RAM ?
Random Access Memory
RAM or random access memory of a number home or cell is formed and each. storage capabilities of a data and address the unique characterized. The address of the first house, memory, etc. is zero and the address of each house, a unit of the House, previous more. each of the address memory, storage capabilities, one or more bytes having.

memory with the capability of random access (so-called to Rome to say) A type of storage location information in can be of information at any time, regardless of the physical position information them, there are nowadays comprises circuits of the town, which is the possibility of storing information randomly gives us the random words this means that the possibility to access any amount of information at any time, regardless of the physical position information them, there is existing data in the RAM to be removed and replace with other data are any type of interruption in the power flow to your computer. Result in a loss of existing data in RAM can be. The use of this type of memory, for storing temporary data, the processing time or the transfer of results out of the computer or stored in the memory side.
since the data can be in any part of the RAM memory is stored and from which can be retrieved and because the speed of doing this to the location of the data does not depend on this type of memory, Random Access Memory say....
What is CD ?
Compact Disk
Compact disc or CD is a tablet round is the light for warehouse, data digit (digital) used. Compact disc, in principle, to work with the sounds of digital. was invented, as well as tool storage and the storage of data or the same compact disc Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM, CD-ROM) is used. A tool that has the ability to read CD-ROM's are today, from the components of the standard personal computer growth process. As of the CD phonetic, compact discs read-only distinction, and a tablet-catching parts (CD players) that to hear Ava right have been can not data that is on the CD-ROM warehouse has it right, figure out, etc., although the PCs usually can, tablet, audio will still play....
What is MPEG ?
Moving Picture Experts Group
The Moving Picture Experts Group (Moving Picture Experts Group) , which are made of the computer to the name of The (Mpeg) have offered.

of Phi, compression, sound, and image, by a group of researchers was created. This group called the Motion Picture Experts Group activity. after the invention of the extension, your name on it in the end. ( Mpeg, actually the first letters of this phrase is formed). After creating this format that Mpg, also read. the format of another of the family, also providing..., including:. mpa, etc. mp1 and. mp2, and. mp3 of the mp3 over the rest of the performance was more welcomed. The major reason of its success also this was in the format of the file, the audio is very compressed and low volume. with this format we can more volume of the music on the CD save, we ( about 12 hours of music on each CD ), and also the time to get music from the internet is also reduced. mp3 in Windows 95 and the first versions of Windows 98 was not supported. But in sharing the. mp3 format as one of the formats, the default is included....
What is JPEG ?
Joint Photographic Experts Group
JP defiantly a (JPEG) the name of a standard common computer, etc. to compress the missing provider files, graphics. This is the name for simplicity as a peg, to be read as well....
What is PNG ?
Portable Network Graphics
Graphics portable network, or ping format set Pixel (vs. operation) for images that compression techniques, lossy data to the serving takes place....