Today, Thursday، 25 Apr 2024 - 18:06

Acronym Finder

Advanced Search

In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: WF

Work Flow


Warframe (gaming)

Wakefield (postcode, United Kingdom)

Waiting For

What If

Wake Forest (University)

Wells-Fargo (bank)

Wallis and Futuna Islands (ISO country code)


Weight Forward (fly fishing)

Wide Field

Windfury (gaming, World of Warcraft)

Work Force

White Female (medical charts)

Westfall (gaming, World of Warcraft)

Wychowanie Fizyczne (Polish: Physical Education)

Wayforward (gaming)

Will Ferrell (actor)

Wildland Fire

Wide Flange

Wave Form

Windforce (Diablo II game item)

Workflow Framework

Wistar-Furth (rat breed)

Wing Forward (basketball)

Warring Factions

Work Factor

Water Filling

Wrong Font

Weather Flight (USAF)

Wilayat al-Faqih (Shia poltical thought)

William Friedkin (film director)

Weil-Felix (immunoperoxidase test)

Workfiles (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)

Weather and Forecasting

Working Formula (mathematics)

Western Folklore (journal)

War Fight (US Army)

Windforce (Hydra) Bow (gaming)

Well-Formed Formula

Wire, Field

Wild-Card Filter

Withdrawal and Failure (grade)

Writer's Festival

Warfighting Functions

Web Fountain (IBM)

Whitefathers (religious)

Washington Free Clinic (Washington, DC)


Whitened Filter

Wake on Full

Won on Foul (boxing)

War Freak (gaming clan)